TupeloLife and mymo MedCab will be exhibiting at the bionorthTX IC3 conference


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: (October 8, 2018)
Rob Sanchez
(469) 547-2621

ARLINGTON, Texas – Oct. 8, 2018-  TupeloLife will participate in bionorthTx’s iC3 annual summit in Arlington Texas, October 10, 2018.  The iC3 event will bring together over 300 industry, local government, and university leaders for a day-long event, with presentations focused on the themes of Innovation, Collaboration, Capital Formation, and Commercialization.


TupeloLife will be exhibiting and demoing the mymo MedCab and connected health technologies. mymo MedCab is the complete in-home care solution, unifying the features of telehealth, medication management, personalized care, and healthcare planning and coordination into one smart and easy to use device. By harnessing the value of their health-tech innovations and demonstrating the power of their connected technologies, TupeloLife is poised to make a splash in the consumer technology world.

The bionorthTX 4thannual Summit provides senior executives, scientists, educators, and community leaders with a forum to network, exchange ideas, learn, and promote business opportunities in our region.  For more information visit www.bionorthtx.org/ic3-summit-2018/

About TupeloLife: TupeloLife is a connected healthcare company, connecting the areas of your life that matter: Health, Safety, Security, and Environment. As a global healthcare solutions company, TupeloLife has offices in Dallas- Texas, Paderborn- Germany, Doha- Qatar, Dubai- UAE, and Bangalore- India. https://tupelolife.com/

About bionorthTX:  To encourage the development of a rich ecosystem that allows for the growth and success of North Texas life science companies, as well as strengthening the economy of our local communities.  www.bionorthtx.org